Detailed program 2022
March 15th:
10h00 - 12h30: Plenary session - KETs to unlock the potential of algae for a thriving European blue bioeconomy
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch break
13h00 - 18h00: Innovation Tours
14h00 - 17h00: Pre-scheduled B2B meetings
14h00 - 14h45: Start-up pitches - SESSION 1
14h45 - 17h15: The Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) to fund projects advancing competitive circular bio-based industries in Europe
17h15 - 18h00: Start-up pitches - SESSION 2
18h00 - 19h30: Welcome reception
March 16th:
8h30 - 10h00: Pre-scheduled B2B meetings and opening of the exhibition area
10h00 - 12h30: Plenary session - Digital Biofoundries, a game-changer for the Industry (sponsored by Genopole)
12h30 - 14h00: Lunch break
14h00 - 15h45: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- The scaling up journey of KETs
- KETs for ecoextraction & ecosynthesis processes
- KETs to produce High Added Value Molecules
15h45 - 16h30: Coffee break
16h30 - 18h30: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- KETs for circular bioeconomy
- KETs for purification processes
- The Biotech KETs
18h30 - 19h30: Cocktail Cheese & Wine - sponsored by Eurodia
20h30 - 23h00: Networking dinner
March 17th:
8h30 - 9h30: Pre-scheduled B2B meetings
9h30 - 11h00: Plenary session - KETs and strategies to reduce the fossil fuel dependence of aviation and its connected professions (sponsored by Leaf)
11h00 - 11h30: Coffee break
11h30 - 13h00: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Biomass balance approach - Renewable resources for high performance and low carbon emissions
- KETs to produce bioenergy
- The biocatalysis KETs
13h00 - 14h00: Lunch
14h00 - 17h00: Workshops
- Physico-chemical pre-treatments of biomass: State of play and applications (sponsored by Carnot 3BCAR)
- Making order out of chaos: How synthetic biology is leading the way in the Carbon Revolution (sponsored by LanzaTech)
- Lignocellulosic sustainable biorefining processes and technologies for high value-added products (sponsored by IDE Trois-Rivières)