Detailed program 2023
>May 23th:
08h00 - 10h00: Pre-scheduled B2B
08h50 - 09h50: Opening by David SUZUKI
10h00 - 12h00: Plenary session - Science & Technologies behind Alternative Proteins
12h00 - 14h00: Networking Lunch
14h00 - 16h00: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Session 1 - KETs to Optimize bioprocesses
- Session 2 - KETs for Extraction and Purification
- Session 3 - KETs to Valorise the feedstocks of the future
16h00 - 16h30: Healthy Break
16h30 - 18h30: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Session 4 - KETs for the future in bioprocess development
- Session 5 - KETs to produce Nutraceuticals
- Session 6 - KETs for a Circular Bioeconomy
18h30 -20h00: Welcome reception
>May 24th:
08h00 - 09h30: Pre-scheduled B2B
09h30 - 12h00: Plenary session - The Greenhouse Gases Valorisation to Value-added Products: A circular economy approach to Climate Change
12h00 - 14h00: Networking Lunch
14h00 - 18h00 : Industrial site visits
- Industrial visit: Innofibre + UQTR
- Industrial visit: CNETE
- Industrial visit: Groupe Bellemare
- Industrial visit: Biotechnologies Ulysse
14h00 - 16h00: Workshops & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Workshop: Green Science Transformation for a Sustainable Cosmetic Industry by L'Oréal
16h00 - 16h30: Healthy Break
16h30 - 18h30: Workshops & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Workshop: Brazilian Bioeconomy With ABBI, Braskem, SENAI Institute and Suzano
18h30 - 19h30: Networking cocktail
20h30 - 23h00: Gala dinner
>May 25th:
08h00 - 09h00: Pre-scheduled B2B
09h00 - 11h00: Breakout sessions dedicated to KETs & pre-scheduled B2B meetings
- Session 7 - KETs for Biomass pretreatment and conversion
- Session 8 - KETs for Biocatalysis
- Session 9 - KETs to produce Biobased Materials
11h00 - 11h30: Healthy Break
11h30 - 12h30: Start-up Pitches
12h30 -14h00: Plenary session - State of Challenges and strategy to commercialize Lignocellulosic based high added value products
14h00 - 15h30: Pre-scheduled B2B